Building QA Developer Tools at Sauce Labs

Company: Sauce Labs

Role: Senior UX Designer, Analytics & Insights

Date: May 2017 - April 2020


Designed a data visualization platform and identified metrics to improve a developer’s efficiency in testing. Informed users of their daily usages and tracked their history over time.

  • Projected to reduce over 60% of customer support tickets

  • 75,000 visits per month

Test Details Redesign

Redesigned experience to help users quickly access their data and debug tests. Added access to features such as Network and Performance.

  • Generates 98% of all usage traffic in Sauce Labs

  • Improved flexibility, readability, and responsiveness.

  • Network feature saw an increase of 2.5x more usage since redesign



Peformance Testing

Designed a tool to improve user experience performance over time and keep bounce rate low from any website or app. Using performance based, user-centric metrics, and Google Lighthouse API.